Trendy Kitchen Updates and Why They Are So Popular

So you have decided to give your kitchen a refresh! Updating appliances and paint colors is a popular way to give your kitchen that modern look.  But what new trends will make your kitchen more functional and efficient?  Let’s take a look at several popular trends people are incorporating into their kitchen remodel and the reasons behind them.

Trendy Kitchen Updates and Why They Are So Popular

One Large Sink

Remember when washing dishes was a daily chore?  Split sinks were originally designed for easy separation of soapy water and rinse water. Dishwashers have become standard in most kitchens today. Hand washing is generally reserved for items which are very delicate or extremely large. Nowadays split sinks just make it harder to wash those large platters and pots.  And has accidentally bumping your dishes against the middle divider ever caused breakage?  When replacing your old sink, consider a large undivided sink that can handle your oversize dishes and still allow plenty of washing room.

Spice Drawers

Have you ever been frustrated looking for one particular spice in your cabinet?  Storing your spices in drawers on either side of your cook top or range makes them easy to access and organize. Drawer inserts fitting standard drawer lengths are available from a variety of manufacturers and cradle the jars on their sides to prevent rolling.  Jars held this way make labels easy to read and alphabetize.

Deep Drawers

Swinging cabinet doors can be awkward and hinder access especially in corners and tight areas.  Most cabinet companies are offering deep drawers as an alternative for base cabinets with swinging doors.  Keep in mind they are more expensive because of the extra hardware and do not offer as much flexibility for storing small appliances and larger items. So a judicious combination of both will probably be best.  When selecting which type of base cabinetry to install, walk around your kitchen space and pretend to pull dishes out of your cabinets.  This type of play-acting will also clarify which direction cabinet doors should swing.

Remodeling your kitchen is a great way to showcase your style and add value to your home. And today’s kitchens incorporate function and efficiency into their designs.

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