3 Fantastic Reasons to Replace Your Windows

When it comes to home improvements, it’s easy to overlook replacing your windows. After all, unless a pane is cracked or you notice an active leak by the windowsill after a rainstorm, you likely give little thought to the frames. However, replacing your windows is one of the best ways to make the house more comfortable and improve property value. As with all aspects of your home’s exterior, the windows will eventually need to be replaced. Here are a few great benefits of having new windows installed before the old ones are completely worn out.

3 Fantastic Reasons to Replace Your Windows

Less Noise Pollution

Old single-pane windows do very little to reduce noise contamination around the house. If you’re watching TV with the volume up, there’s a good chance your neighbors will be able to hear it. Similarly, if there’s a party down the block, you’ll likely hear the music and revelry well into the night even if the windows are closed. Upgrading to new double or even triple-pane windows will greatly reduce the amount of noise that seeps in or out of your house.

Better Insulation

Old windows have a way of growing draftier by the year, making the house incredibly warm during the summer and cold and humid during the winter. By installing new windows, you’ll be able to keep each room more comfortable year-round without putting additional strain on your heating and cooling system. Even better, the added insulation of new windows will help reduce your energy bill for many years to come.

Easier to Open and Close

Though Texas has some pretty volatile weather, we also see many beautiful and cool days during the spring and fall. Rather than running the air conditioner, many homeowners simply open the windows and enjoy the fresh air. However, old windows are notoriously difficult to open and close as dirt and age can damage the tracks and hinges. Upgrading to new windows will allow you to open and close the windows easily.

Replacement windows are one of the best investments you can make in your home. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an estimate.

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